When I Saw You…

Posted: September 10, 2009 in Uncategorized

I am like you or at least I feel so at the moment. You are surrounded by beauty as am I. However, caged will be the word we both are looking for though there are glorified names  for where we are and and explanations for why we are here. I hear rumours of other places from my fellow ‘travelers’ where others like as well as unlike us may dwell; no doubt you hear similar things as well. However, no one has any proof and some even deny the very idea of existence of such places. I go so far as to presume that you, like me, will trade your life even, to see those promised lands. Here comes the catch. Apparently our lives are not valuable enough.

You are a mere decoration, a good one if it helps any. That’s your purpose. Why? I wonder if you are someone’s idea of a joke,  here to make your owner feel proud and powerful, all the while when your owner’s ‘owner’ laughs at his vanity. Am I a mere decoration too? What’s my purpose? I watched a sunrise today. It was beautiful. The mist dissolved in the blink of an eye. Another blink and the morning star was gone. All the red sun had to do was peek out from the horizon! In front of its glorious rays, which will rival your skin even, I forgot how beautiful the mist was and how the morning star had me mesmerised. It’s not long before I start cursing the Sun for the heat it brings around mid-day. Beauty is so evanescent I hardly believe it’s worth all the trouble we go to try and maintain it. It’s not enough to make me want to stay where I am.  Don’t you want to get out? I do and I know you do too.

There are differences between us too. You can see the one who’s forced you into your cage whereas I can’t and maybe never will. Then again you can’t have anyone caged whereas I can. As I said, we are incomplete. The answers are not here and I have no clue as to where else they may be. As I look at you I see myself and yet I don’t. Are you the one playing this game? You know, the inside man.

I am readying to leave but I promise I’ll try and show a larger world to you even if I have to steal you. You have touched me. We are kindred spirits. I know it’s selfish but maybe you’ll return the favour and show me a larger world, that is, if you are the inside man, so to say!

  1. Ganesh says:

    Not a single word I understand. :s

  2. arunav says:

    Thank you…I was trying to get something off my chest without letting anyone know. Now if I am to believe your words I’d say, mission accomplished!

    • nobody says:

      i would not have commented……..but i was forced….its so beautifully written you see…..but seriously not a single word that i understood!!!!
      but you have always been this beautiful written.

  3. chandnkraj says:

    Wow! philosopher of the lobby…
    I think I know a bit of the subject matter here or at least I think so…
    Still, ur mission is accomplished. 🙂

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